Friday, March 19, 2010

Something That Strikes Me As Important

There's a blogger I read and I like what she had to say today: click Here


  1. I'm catching up on blogs this afternoon and - wow - thanks for posting a link to this one. I sometimes forget to read c jane, and she always has great things to say. Yes, this one strikes me as important. Brave of her to share.

    Also, I can't believe you guys have 4.5 kids. Congrats. We have 2.5, and I think it might be time for this 35 year old production facility to shut down after #3 arrives...

  2. I've never heard of cjane (that's not a surprise you say) but I thought her post was amazingly honest and helpful to all.

  3. that's not a surprise because of my limited exposure - not because cjane isn't fabulous and well-known.
