Long before Coldplay splashed the words Viva la Vida across the stirring battle panorama, and even before my Humanities 202 class, I was familiar with Liberty Leading Her People as part of the 100 franc notes I would spend on groceries at the supermarche. I felt brave buying vegetables in that funny French way the French buy vegetables. It's just different from here. {Before the Euro, French money was super cool. The 50F note had an image of The Little Prince on it. Seriously. I love the French.}
It doesn't surprise me that Liberty is a woman. Here in the U.S. we call her Lady, and our statue does have a strong sense of decorum about her. But what I love about Delacroix's version is the action, the passion and the calm determined look on her face.
Somehow, in looking for an image representative of this blog post I stumbled up this painting and so there she is, leading the charge.
While posting has been fairly light this summer, I am taking a blogging break for the remainder of August. It has something to do with making preparations, leading my troops, and a little bit of viva la vida as it turns out.
"For some reason I can't explain I know St. Peter will call my name."* So that's that.
Be back soon.
*a line, of course, from Coldplay's Viva la Vida