Friday, July 13, 2007

whoosh! where does a year go?

It's the thirteenth and a Friday at that, but I consider it a lucky day. One year ago I clicked save and my first ever post was, er, posted on this blog (granted, last year the 13th was a Thursday, but this year it's a Friday so we'll go with that). It was something I'd been thinking about doing. I was a faithful DYM reader, occassionally venturing out beyond into the greater world of bloggers, and particularly "mommy bloggers" (if you don't mind the term) who fascinated me by being so much the same as myself, and so different at the same time.

I've enjoyed the chance to write a bit of randomness here and there. It's good to have a little space in the world that's your own, even if it's just virtual space. I have some nice virtual neighbors who stop by on a regular basis to say hi and that's a lot of fun. I think I have other nice virtual neighbors who frequent here, but they are more of the silent type, which is lovely as well (although I would love to hear from you).

I've heard about bloggy burn out at about the year mark, and I think I very well could be experiencing it, except that really I've managed to pummel most of my creativity into the ground simply by being alive these last few months. It's mommy brain, on top of everything else. But I hope to get the juices flowing again soon, instead of the slow trickle that seems to produce good blogging ideas, but can't get them past the thought process. But at least they're in there somewhere floating around!

I hope to dazzle and astonish you in the next year with my amazing blogging prowess. hee. But I'll settle for being mildly entertaining for the present, while thinking about some new things to blog about, maybe a new blog design, maybe some new subjects, maybe...the options for the future are endless. Mostly I just hope I can say that a good time was had by all.


  1. Happy anniversary. I love your blog, although I don't like the word blog.. it has to be one of the ugliest sounding words around. What could we call it instead? I'm not a trend setter, however, so I don't think it would catch on, but I just think that blogs and frogs are for boys.. girls need something else. :)

  2. Welcome to Utah! I live in Salt Lake City. Coming from the East coast it must be like moving to a foreign country except they speak English with a slight western twang to it...
    Hope everything works out for you.

  3. Happy anniversary! Hope the move went well

  4. Happy Blogiversary! I can't wait to be dazzeled. :)

  5. Allysha,

    I have been lurking here for quite a while. I really enjoy your blog and I am sad that you left NY before I got out there to visit you, but Utah is much closer!

  6. Happy Bloggiversary! What a milestone you hit.

    I hope you survive these next few weeks of chaos and that you are soon reunited with all your beloved treasures.

    Don't melt in the heat. I was just on a family vacation in your area for the last few weeks and it was HOT. We should have met up ... it would have been fun to meet in real life. Maybe next time around :) !!

  7. wow a year, aweseome.

    happy bloggiversary.

  8. I'm sure the coming year will bring many fabulous things. I go through the slump off and on all too frequently. My advice is to keep writing if you have any time at all even if you don't think you have anything to say. I hope you guys get settled soon.

  9. Congratulations on the one-year mark. Hope the move is going/has gone well and that you're feeling at home.
