Friday, March 23, 2007

our sorry state of affairs

Ben, to baby crawling around: Eat your cheese pieces.

Me: He's already eaten a lot of his cheese.

Ben: He's crawling around under the table and eating other things.

Me: Well, it can't be that old, I just swept last night.


  1. Happens all he time at our place, too. LOL

  2. It's good to know there are other floor eaters out there :)!! I don't know quite was is so fascinating about eating off of it, but apparently it is quite the "in" thing.

  3. My brain is mush, that last sentence is so grammatically correct. I won't even bother to fix it, you know what I mean ... I now talk like my two year old. Hopefully I won't start eating off of the floor, too.

  4. Lol. Yeah, I say the words, "Don't eat that, it fell on the floor!" But, really by that time of day I don't have the energy to fish anyone out form under the table.

  5. that was so funny - my baby is too lazy to put food in his own mouth, so I feed him still, but maybe I should just let him crawl under the table for his food...:-)

  6. Ah yes, my husband has taught our 2 yr old son the wonder of the 5 second rule. Unfortunately being a two year old he can't count to five yet so everything qualifies.
