Tuesday, July 1, 2008

something productive to do

I was told by the doctor yesterday, who seemed baffled by my little infection and prescribed me what seems to be a rocking antibiotic, to keep my legs elevated and to take it easy for a couple of days, or maybe a couple of weeks.

So, yeah, sure. I'll do my best to humor him. But at some point I have to run around getting appropriate clothing for the upcoming wedding, etc., etc., etc., etc.

So this morning I have mended my couch, because I could do it sitting down, with my legs sort of elevated part of the time.

What? You don't mend your couch? I bet you don't darn your socks either.

Well, my cushions are slowing falling apart and I cannot afford to reupholster them at the moment and so when a seam splits I sew it up. Or I just turn the cushion around so you can't see the white tufts of batting that are wrapped around the foam squares. But today was the day to tackle some of that project.

The cushions are made out of some sort of imitation leather the name of which I can't for the life of me remember right now, even though I know it. But it's not even on the tip of my tongue, it's just sort of floating aimlessly in the back of my brain. It will emerge sometime. In any case the covering is durable. Easily cleaned, and has lasted forever. Also, it's black, so it has some class to it, despite it's aging condition. But it does like to split at the seams. So that's that.

We picked up our beloved couch at the good will for 60 bucks and it's served us well for many years. The couch is made of a cool wood frame, and has two matching chairs, and someday I am going to refinish them all (and get them reupholstered) and they will look fabulous.

But I'm guessing that my doctor would say not to do that this week. Because I should take it easy. So I will. Just wanted to keep you updated.


  1. I do believe it's called Naugahyde.
    Maybe you can figure out how to vacuum while laying down as well! :)

  2. Wow, you're such a handy gal. I would just use duct tape. Or maybe I'd throw a blanket over the whole thing and start saving up for another trip to the thrift store. You are a woman of many talents.

    Sorry about the leg. And all the copays. I hope you and your daughter are feeling better soon!

  3. I don't even know if our sofa cushions even have material left on them. Our couch was a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down and is really old. Thank goodness for slip covers!

    I hope you all feel better soon!

  4. Bless your heart! Hang in there... and way to turn this into a productive time! ;)
