Thursday, October 12, 2006

all that & fresh breath, too!

When I left for my LDS mission, I took along some Aquafresh toothpaste because that is what we were currently using at home. Once I arrived in France and ran out of toothpaste I was pleased as punch to find that they also sold Aquafresh in the stores and I purchased it as a small token that reminded me of my family, normal cheese, and all things American. Back in the States, did I move on to new brands? I did not. Not only were they more expensive, but I wanted to use the same stuff I had used in my now beloved and far away adopted country. To this day I use that toothpaste. That's at least 10 years with a consistent tooth cleansing agent! 10 years!

What I'm saying is that I am a creature of habit who can make just about anything become an expression of nostalgia. However, if Costco stopped carrying my toothpaste in bulk, that would probably be the end of it.


  1. i am a crest kid myself - (although i do keep of tube of aquafresh at work - but that came from my shopping trip to M&D's basement - ha ha) in fact - the other day i saw aquafresh for sale. but i refrained...because i am a crest kid!!!

  2. hmmm, while i use colgate. interesting things we can learn from toothpaste, and that we are all creatures of habit. weird

  3. Colgate Total has claimed my loyalty and I am in LOVE with it. Strange, but true.

  4. I don't know if you've ever used the anti-sensitivity toothpastes but they're freakishly odd tasting.

  5. Good for you to latch onto a brand that is usually cheaper than the rest. My husband is also a creature of habit so I have to get Crest. And it must be the paste, not the gel and not the whitening, and not the tartar control, and any number of other things that I have mistakenly brought home in the past. I make him buy it now :)
